Little Grebe 小鸊鷉
Resident bird in Hong Kong, present all year with higher numbers in winter. Smallest duck-like swimming bird in South China. Small grebe with short neck and short bill. Dark brown…
Resident bird in Hong Kong, present all year with higher numbers in winter. Smallest duck-like swimming bird in South China. Small grebe with short neck and short bill. Dark brown…
Uncommon migrant and rare winter visitor in Hong Kong. Often found in shallow freshwater wetlands, especially in ponds and lakes with emergent and floating vegetation. 香港不常見的遷徒鳥和罕見的冬候鳥,於淡水濕地出沒,偏好浮葉植物的池塘和湖泊。…
Common autumn passage migrant in Hong Kong, declining summer breeding visitor with small numbers in winter. Adult: Black plumage and deeply forked tail, often has small white spot below the…