- Meals, Pizza, pasta and risotto, Recipes, Western kitchen 西式廚房
Ravioli with sage butter sauce
Ravioli with sage butter sauce Sage and butter is a perfect match to ravioli. It’s a restaurant quality meal to enjoy at home. Pour yourself a glass of white wine…
- Meals, Pizza, pasta and risotto, Recipes, Western kitchen 西式廚房
Homemade gnocchi with saffron cream sauce
Homemade gnocchi with saffron cream sauce With just a few simple ingredients, you can easily make this classic dumplings at home. Gnocchi is always good to pair with pesto or…
- Chinese kitchen 中式廚房, Meals, Recipes, 中式湯水食譜-四季湯水
秋天湯水 [黨參栗子蟲草花素湯]
秋天湯水[黨參栗子蟲草花素湯] 進入秋天要打好底子,簡簡單單做好補腎健脾就可以了。…
- Japanese kitchen 日式廚房, Meals, Recipes, Soup and side dish 湯品、副菜
焼きなすのごまだく♡中華南蛮 Eggplant marinated in Nanban sauce
焼きなすのごまだく♡中華南蛮Eggplant marinated in Nanban sauce 茄子是一種可冷卻身體的蔬菜,將茄子浸泡在清爽的酸甜南蠻醬汁中,在炎熱的夏天吃很美味。…
- Meals, Pizza, pasta and risotto, Recipes, Western kitchen 西式廚房
Dal Bhat Tarkari
Dal Bhat Tarkari Dal bhat tarkari is a traditional Nepalese dish. It is a combination of lentil soup, rice and vegetable curry. This dish is typically served on a stainless…
- Chinese kitchen 中式廚房, Meals, Recipes, Vegetarian Kitchen 素食廚房
素魚香茄子 魚香茄子是一道非常好的下飯菜,不需要將茄子過油,而且還是完全素食。…
- Home cooking 家庭料理, Japanese kitchen 日式廚房, Meals, Recipes
鶏と野菜のガーリック炒め 西蘭花炒雞肉
鶏と野菜のガーリック炒め 西蘭花炒雞肉 用柚子鹽和蒜蓉醃過了雞肉,不用再加其他調味料已經很好味。…