- Japanese kitchen 日式廚房, Meals, Recipes, Soup and side dish 湯品、副菜
かぼちゃのはちみつレモン煮 南瓜檸檬煮物
- Home cooking 家庭料理, Japanese kitchen 日式廚房, Meals, Recipes
大根鰤魚煮物 大根とぶりのしょうゆ甘辛煮
材料 300g大根 2塊 鰤魚 一片 薑 調味料 2湯匙 酒 2湯匙 砂糖 2湯匙 醬油 2湯匙 味醂 250ml水 做法 大根去皮,切成2cm半月形狀。鰤魚用少許鹽醃5分鐘,用水沖去,切成6小塊。薑一半切絲,另一半切片。 將大根、魚、薑片放入鍋內,加入水、酒、砂糖、醬油,煮至沸騰後除去泡泡,蓋上落蓋煮25分鐘,加入味醂煮1-2分鐘即可。放上薑絲裝飾。…
- Meals, Recipes, Seafood 海鮮, Western kitchen 西式廚房
Pan seared salmon fillets topped with poached eggs
Golden-crisp on top and just barely cooked in the center, this pan seared salmon is easy to make. Perfect to top with poached eggs.…