Japanese kitchen 日式廚房 Meals Recipes 豆腐料理

絹あげとひじきの煮物 Simmered tofu and hijiki

August 20, 2018

Hijiki is a type of wild seaweed harvested mainly from the Japa and Korea. It is black in color and is shredded in long strips. It contains all those wonderful nutrients and vitamins that we need for a healthy balanced diet.


2 blocks deep fried silken tofu (絹ごし厚あげ)

5g seaweed (ひじき)

120ml stock

50ml mirin

1 tablespoon cooking wine

2 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons soy sauce

grinded white sesame to garnish



  1. Quickly run the tofu in boiling water to remove excess oil. Drain and cut into 8 pieces. Soak the seaweed in water for 20 minutes. Drain and wash under running water.
  2. Put the tofu, algae and the seasonings in a sauce pan, stir and cook over medium heat until there is only little sauce left. Turn off the heat. Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  3. Garnish with sesame.

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