It’s always further than it looks. It’s always taller than it looks. And it’s always harder than it looks. – The 3 rules of mountaineering

View of Dingboche from the trail

Dingboche Valley
EBC trek的第二次高度適應日在Dingboche (4410M),適應日不等同休息,而是要 “hike higher and sleep lower” ,所以今天會行上Nangkartshang Peak (5050M),高度比之後去Loboche高少許。
由tea house出發行不多久便開始上斜,Joti指著不遠處的一座山,說是我們要上到山頂,山路很陡峭,望見已有點嚇人。幸好行了一會便看到羣山美景,也是第一次這麼清楚看到Island Peak 和 Lhotse。我們休息了一會再往上走,便看到Ama Dablam,景色壯麗。
不經不覺上到了5080M的山頂,”The 3 rules of mountaineering” 說得沒錯,似乎很遠、很高、很難,最終也上到了。山頂掛滿經幡,其實後面就是很筆直的懸崖,我們拍了幾張照片便下山。
- Ama Dablam
Distance: 6.91KM
Elevation gain: 707M
Elevation loss: 708M
Max elevation: 5,023M
Min elevation: 4,309M
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