<材料> 1個14.5 x 7.5 (W) x 4(H) cm 長方形磅蛋糕模
- 100g 忌廉芝士 (放室溫)
- 35g 細砂糖
- 1個 雞蛋
- 75g 淡忌廉 (whipping cream)
- 2湯匙 檸檬汁
- 30g 低筋麵粉
- 將忌廉芝士用電動攪拌器慢速打至忌廉狀,加入細砂糖打勻。
- 順序加入蛋、淡忌廉、檸檬汁拌勻。
- 篩入低筋麵粉用膠刮拌勻至沒有粉粒。
- 倒入模內,用170℃焗45分鐘。
<材料> 1個14.5 x 7.5 (W) x 4(H) cm 長方形磅蛋糕模
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Hi Debbie,
If I would like to bake two cheesecake at a time, do I need to increase the baking time
I would like to ask whether you still use Toshiba Oven for all your baking?
Also, when you are using the Toshiba Oven for fermentation of the dough, do you use steam as well?
Sorry for asking so many questions!
Hi Maggie,
I am still using the Toshiba Oven for all my bakings. So if you want to bake 2 cheesecakes at a time, no need to increase baking time. Sometimes I bake 2 portions of bread of cakes at the same time, using both upper & lower baking trays and baking time is the same.
I have a proofer and usually I use that for fermentation. Tried twice using the Toshiba and I didn’t use steam. Fermentation only, 35C.
Happy baking!!